Saturday, December 31, 2011

I have a spotty looking rash after i shaved my genital area, and im not sure what to do?

I have a spotty looking rash on the thick part of skin that is covered by the underwear, it itches and the spots looks squeezable, its also rather painful, im not sure what it is, ive been told it could be thrush but im not sure really, does anyone have any answers??

Who's on the invite list for Obama's "Job Creation Summit" today at the White House?

I do believe Obama and his administration is being petty and putting politics over what is really good for our nation. I myself would be a bit more mature. I would have not invited any union people at all considering they do not create jobs. However I would of invited all of the groups you mentioned because they represent over half of the jobs in the US. BUt like I stated earlier, in Obamas administration its politics first, its a shame I would have expected more from him than grade school politics.

What to do in this situation?

for the night you could use a LITTLE amount of milk, just watch for the "runs". in the morning, find a way to get some kitten replacement milk from the store. if possible for advice, call the animal hospital on how to help. call the vet in the morning, plus, if he will eat it, you can soak a small amount of cat kibble in warm water and canned food (if you have any) and make a kind of "mush" out of it.

Looking at buying a house/condo...About how much do you think I would be approved for?

depending on the tax and insurance rates in the area as much as $250,000. Just don't become house poor.

Why do these guys tease me for being a virgin? Also, they're British?

I'm 16, and when I went to Britain and hung out with these 3 guys, (I've been talking to them for a long time, but it was my first time meeting them in person, ages 16-17) they treated me differently than the way guys did back in the US (where I live.) I guess it's because of the area they all grew up in, but most teens there our age already had , smoked at some point, and drink. So, when they found out I was still a virgin, it seemed to totally change their view of me, and it was as if I became some sort of target for teasing. They began making countless jokes and got more 'touchy,' (excessive hugging, a little bit of , smacking my ***, etc.) And I mean, I'm not some prude who rejects any little sort of ual actions, but I don't know.. it became a bit too much. So, why do they like to tease me so much about being a virgin? I've had a little bit of friendly teasing at home, but not to this extent. I just don't get it. A guy's opinion on this is preferable, but anyone is welcome to answer - thanks!

How can I save my own Ringtones on a Palm Centro (Verizon)?

I just got a new Palm Centro from Verizon and I was hoping that I can have my own Ring tones. I transferred an MP3 file through bluetooth from my PC to the Centro and it went into my Ptunes. I can listen to it but no option to save as ring tone. So then I sent a text message with my work cell to it, I received the message with the sound, no way to save it there either like I use to on my LG phone. Is there any FREE way to do this? I do not have a data plan so not wanting to pay per MB for downloads. I do have a text message plan. Thanks in advance.

For just once I'd like a helpful answer on here :'( no matter WHAT I do I cannot straighten or curl my hair?

Everytime I straighten it it takes like 2 hours just for it to look SEMI straight and it always has this ugly little wave to it right in the middle of my hair :'( and curling is even worse, forget that, the only times I've ever been able to curl my hair they ended up making me look like shirley temple, I hold the iron on there for 10 minutes sometimes and nothing! HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 7:51 PM?

that is that is the punishment of a god to adam eve, god tell the adam you will snuggle to support you family, and you eve will suffer tremendous pain to bring the baby's in this world. and as example the ups man drupe Dede from to much work

An uninsured motorist ran a yellow as I was making a left turn (in CA), we collided. Wouldn't it be her fault?

This happened in Los Angeles County. All other cars stopped, except for her. The light had turned red by the point of impact. Wouldn't it be her fault? We exchanged info, I took pictures of both cars, then she left. She came back with her husband, and he started taking pictures of my car. He then started yelling at me, saying it was my fault! He wasn't even present at the time of the accident! The nerve! He threatened that he was going to sue me!! WTF? His wife had NO insurance!! If they find me at fault, can they still sue, even though she's not insured? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

What the movie that has a husband who abuses his wife, I think Cameron Diaz is in it?

He beats her or something and they move to the beach or by a lake and she meets a man by the lake and the husband finds out. And someone is killed and buried in the cement steps of a Gazebo that they were building. I think Jonathan Scheach was in it but I could be totally wrong.

How did I do on my Fantasy Draft?

Great team for picking last ill give u some advice on who need to start and who to sit, start Clark over Cooley and Marshawn Lynch over Ronnie Brown and you will not only win one game but you will be in the playoffs or just barely miss it.

Baby formula and colic?

my baby has lactose intolerance when he was born he was fed for about 2 weeks it made him ill then i was advised to change him to formula so i put him on cow and gate still no luck then at 3 weeks of age he was diagnosed as having lactose intolerance so hes now on prescription milk. anyway hes now 31/2 months old and demanding lots of milk but the problem is its making him colicky and hes spitting up quite alot if he was on normal formula i would have given him a follow up milk because his formula is the thinist iv ever seen but unfortunalty there isnt one for the brand of milk hes on i dont think. i have heard alot about people adding a bit of baby rice to there babies feed. im just wondering if i should add some if so how often every feed or one or two feeds. if you think i shouldn't can you think off anything else i can do as i have tried colic remidies and they don't seem to work.

Answer if you know a thing or two about footwear?

I've got a 3 year old pair of Wolverine boots. I love them and they are still in great shape other than the soles. They are worn flat. They aren't stiched on, but instead it looks like they're glued on ( i think thats called cement construction). Can I get them resoled? And if so, how much does that usually cost?

Why do women have kids with guys that leaves them single then turn around and expect the nice guy to help out?

Because i have a friend who really liked this girl and she ended up dissing him for another guy (who is currently in jail for drugs and firearms) who is a knucklehead. They are both 25 and my friend is 27. Three years ago she dumped my friend for this fool and they ended up having two kids together. The problem is he has been in and out of jail since he was 15 and never had a stable Job to speak of. He ended up going back to jail this year for 5 years because he pulled a gun on a crowd at a nightclub and shot at a guy in the leg.. He was always this way even before we knew him but she liked him fo some odd reason.. So its been 5 years later and she is trying to come back into my friend life who is now successful with a good Job. She said she didnt know what she was thinking and now wants to be with him because now she realize what a good catch she missed out on. I told my friend to kick her out to the curve. I just found out she is being EVICTED from her apartment because she has no job and no money to pay for kids to have a roof over her head but yeah, why when the going get tough girls always like the nice guy but only as a safety net when things goes wrong?

Do you have a recipe for Wheat Germ Brownies?

Adelle Daves had a recipe for these brownies in her "Let's Cook it Right" cookbook. Does anyone have this recipe?

Does pike taste good when deep fried in batter?

ITS GREAT!!! cut it up in to some smaller pieces so it cooks evenly. Then ENJOY! It really is very good just make sure you get the bones out OR be aware they are in there and make sure everyone else knows too. Theres youtube videos showing how to fillet them! Good Luck!

Should i move in with him ?????????

Only you can decide that, do you see a future with your boyfriend have him sleep over as much as he can but not permanently then you will find out if its meant to be don't really no someone until you live with them, don't have him move in just for the financial side it won't work, if its meant to be it will work and you will always have that excited feeling it never goes away me and my partner have been together for a long time we both leave the house early for work and don't see each other till about 6 and still can't wait to get back to see him.

Who wants to hear more anecdotal evidence for the existence of the supernatural?

This might make an atheist curious. It should convince Christians even more what they know is the truth. This might take a little more than 1000 characters, so I should post added details. Anyways, just know more is coming. Ok Here goes. My friend Andrew just got back from Africa. Tanzania to be precise. He told me about a guy named Wisdom(seriously). Wisdom was a practicing witchdoctor when Andrew got there. He was actually the most powerful witchdoctor in Tanzania. One of the powers he was given by the demons was the power to teleport. (Yes...Teleport.) Not only himself, but anyone who hung on to his shoulder would be transported instantly someplace else as well. He was the most powerful in that, he controlled the movements of the other witchdoctors in the country. He had a simple stick wrapped in snake skin that would violently shake whenever someone was being transported. He would point the stick towards the middle of the room and they would instantly appear. MORE...

I cannot find the WESTEREN ISLE......????HELP PLEASE..?


What should we name our liquor store?

My friend and I are opening a high-end liquor and wine store in a growing urban area. The decor will include brick walls, wood shelves and stained concrete floors. We were cheerleaders together in college and thought about playing off of that connection and calling it "Cheers and Spirits." We also thought about playing off of the city's history with prohibition and calling it "The Speakeasy." Which name should we choose??

The chief rival of prussia for supremacy of the german confederation was....?

Austria-Hungary. The people who thought that the Emperor of Austria should rule a united Germany were called Grossdeutsch. Those who thought that the Kingdom of Bavaria or Prussia should do it were called "Kleindetsch."

Is Global Warming the grand challenge of our century?

We've had energy crisises before we'll have them again. Protecting the environment and conserving our resources is something we should be doing regardless of whether AGW is real or not.

What do you think about spelling names with an intentional lisp?

When my sister was 15, she got a new retainer. Her best friend's name was Sara, and her retainer made her pronounce the name Thara. We still call the friend Thara to this day. I like it.

after pregnancy and feeding?

Before pregnancy my were a 38D during pregnancy they went up to a 38DD. I fed for 5 weeks but because of a medication i had to start taking(i have psoriasis that came back and it was getting severe)i had to stop feeding. my son is 11 weeks old now and my are saggy now... please dont be rude but its depressing me horribly! its not like theyre horribly saggy or anything but they arent perky like before, anyone went through this? can i do or take anything that will make them firmer or perkier again? i know they will never be the same again but if i could get them any better at all i would be happy. please moms give advice or anything helpful.