Sunday, January 1, 2012

How do i get my boyfriend back?

It started off great we both had alot of spare time as we were on holidays it was so equal to begin with but He got busier and busier and I had less to occupy my time. I became insecure because I felt him pull away so I became clingy and needy and it eventually pushed him away and he told me he needed some time and space to think about things..I told him I wanted to be together still and we could be casual and just date and be fun and he agreed. But since then it has been mostly me that has texted him and made the suggestions of hanging out. We have hung out and watched a movie but its mostly me putting in the effort. Finally I decided I was going to make no contact and hope that he would miss worked and he messaged me first to see how i was but since then i havent heard from him. I know he wants me in his life and that he cares about me but he is scared if we try again im going to be all clingy and needy which i wont because i have used this time to make changes in my life and focus on me. I need help in what to do now..Do i continue no contact? will the time apart make him miss me or will he love the freedom? I want to start dating him again..and show him i have changed and rekindle what we have because i know there is still something there. I want him to realise he misses me and wants me and not have to be the one constantly chasing...i want it to be equal again. He lives with a bunch of his guy friends and none of them have gf and bag on him for having one. i just need some advice on how i can prove that we can have fun again and that i have changed and that we can work past this. This is our only issue and fight we have ever had. What should i do?

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