Friday, January 6, 2012

Single mom pregnant with second baby.. most likely to be single again?

I have a 3 1/2 year old son.. dads not in the picture, didnt want the baby from the beginning.. but i had no doubts about keeping him... the last couple of years have had their ups and downs, but right now is an especially good time in my life.. im in school about to get my rn (nursing degree) and i just really have things in order for me.. relationship wise, ive been with a guy for a year but he wont fully commit to me.. hes really bossy and emotional abusive and just mean.. he uses me for money and i barely see him anymore.. i just found out im pregnant.. i am pro choice, hes prolife he said.. but i do not want to have an abortion.. i feel like there is a reason for everything and if I am able to carry a healthy baby to term than i should give it that chance.. because what if i decided not to keep my son? thats my way of looking at it.. and i am def pro choice... he on the other hand says abortions are disgusting.. but now that im pregnant he is trying to force an abortion on me.. saying he will kill himself or me if i keep it because he doesnt want to ruin his life and blah blah.. just being a selfish friends all say abortion, even counselors ive talked to have suggested abortion.. my parents would be pissed and disgusted if i had the baby (esp because i live in their house).. i am 23, the father 24.. and with the bull with my first sons dad i dont know if i should go through this again.. i just cant stand the thought of killing my child.. and im so torn.. i guess what im asking is.. if the cons outweigh the pros by a lot, am i crazy for not getting the abortion? (ps..i know adoption is a great thing. but im already attached and would never be able to give it to someone else)

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